
Mood and Mind

Your Mood and Mind are Directly Effected by Your Gut Health

What if your mood does not all start in your mind? Mental Wellness is NOT all about mindfulness ( although that can help significantly, especially in the midst of an anxiety attack) did you know that scientists are now confirming that our gut health directly affects our mental wellness?


16.2 million people in the United states alone have suffered from a major depressive episode in the last year. And those are just people that were recorded. There is a huge epidemic of depression and anxiety in the united states and almost just as many supplements and drugs to try to alleviate the symptoms.


Unfortunately a lot of drugs and supplements do just that, they just band aid the symptoms but  they do not address the root of the issue. What if the root issue to our mood is not just in our mind, but begins in our gut ? What if what we put into our bodies directly correlates with how we feel? If you knew this information to be true, would you make the necessary changes to feel better not only physically but mentally as well? If you’re answer is yes let us take a dive into the science behind this groundbreaking gut brain connection.


Our Guts are now being called our “second brain”. Studies have now shown that 90% of our serotonin is created in the Gut and not the brain.So, If 90% of our serotonin, which is known as the “happy” Endorphin, is created in our gut then we can assume that if our gut is not healthy then our Mood or “mental wellness”  will suffer as well. This huge epidemic of depression and anxiety in our nation can be traced back to the microbiome in our gut. If our microbiome is off our mood and mind will be as well.

So I bet the question your asking is how do we know our microbiome is off? And how doe we fix it?

First things first. How to tell if your microbiome is off. Well there are plenty of ways to tell. Cravings for certain foods, anxiety, depression, Inflammation, autoimmune diseases or any use of antibiotics or anything that will kill of the good microbes in your gut. These are a few tell tale signs that there is something “off” in your microbiome.. I will get into specifics on certain diseases in later articles.( So check back!)


An example of “good” Bacteria in our gut is called H. Pylori. This microbe communicates with our brain using Grehlin which is a hunger hormone.Having this hormone in our gut microbiome is essential to our health. Taking any sort of antibiotic wipes out H. pylori. For the few people out there saying “i’ve never taken antibiotics” or “I take probiotics all the time” well first of all , THATS AWESOME! I wish I had never had to take antibiotics, and the kind of probiotics we put into our bodies matter .


I am assuming we have all ( at least 90% of the population) consumed  some sort of animal product that contained antibiotics. Even though those antibiotics can be of trace amounts it still wreaks havoc on H. Pylori essentially killing them off. WIthout this microbe or healthy bacteria our bodies have no way of monitoring our hunger, which means we are always hungry never feeling full. You know that feeling where you just want to eat but you’re not actually hungry? That is most likely caused by the lack of H.pylori in your gut microbiome.


So, How do we fix this? Well a change of diet is a great way to start . We always hear how we should cut out sugar or dairy or grains, well all of those things will help significantly as they can feed the “bad bugs “ in our guts.

There are plenty of bad bugs in our tummies that a change of diet and putting the right bacteria in your body can help remediate so we can all have a healthy microbiome. For instance Candida. Thats a buzz word in the alternative health community that’s used copiously. Candida can be described as a genus of yeast and is the most common cause of fungal infections worldwide.

When there is an overgrowth of candida in your body this is most commonly caused by consuming too much sugar or processed grains. The Sugar then feeds the candida and can cause an overgrowth resulting in many health ailments. Medical News today describes the effect candida has on your brain as follows.


So,  The crazy thing is that when you begin to eliminate and kill off the Candida in your body this fungus sends messages to your brain to feed it thus making you crave the food items it needs to survive. So those times where you are just craving sugar no matter what kind , you just need something sweet , that can be the candida sending messages to your brain. Saying no to these cravings is harder than one would think. Isn’t that a bit creepy? We have some outside source, some fungal being in our bodies sending messages to our brain to feed them?


Now that we have discovered that our gut microbiome is off and that this directly effects our mood and mind a long with the rest of our body.what can we do to help? First off, getting on a microbiome diet is key. Well, The RIGHT supplements and GOOD Bacteria are huge in supporting your gut and therefore mind. Well, How do we know what the right ones are?  

Science is finally catching up on the gut brain connection and there are ground breaking new products on the market right now that specifically target your microbiome and your mental wellness. it has personally helped me with so many health issues including lyme disease,


If you are ready to take control of your gut health, click on any of the buttons that say “Take Control Now”

More Research

“If you’ve ever “gone with your gut” to make a decision or felt “butterflies in your stomach” when nervous, you’re likely getting signals from an unexpected source: your second brain. Hidden in the walls of the digestive system, this “brain in your gut” is revolutionizing medicine’s understanding of the links between digestion, mood, health and even the way you think. woman with a glass of orange juice Scientists call this little brain the enteric nervous system (ENS). And it’s not so little. The ENS is two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells lining your gastrointestinal tract from esophagus to rectum.”

– John Hopkins Medicine –

More Research

“Pay attention to your gut-brain connection – it may contribute to your anxiety and digestion problems.”

– Harvard Health Publishing –